
Thursday, March 7, 2019

Fashion “The Craze Among Youth”.

E really(prenominal) person Is work conscious. Fashion Is very popular among the school boys and girls, They do It in a competitive lifespan to look smart. up-to-date and attractive. Students like actors and actresses. few of them cop a strike to copy the latest fashion. It is mostly the college students who look upon fashion as the very stuff of their conscience. Being fashionable Is the only real passport to mellowed society and popularity In the college. Students put on expensive and fascinating vestments of the latest cut, color and design. The students spend a parcel ot m whizzy on garb and other things In ife for sake of variety.They do not absorb that they are wasting away their precious time and energy in this effort. In addition, they waste the hard-earned money of their parents. Students maintain become crazy after fashion. barely this is all being done at the cost of their studies. They are wasting the precious time of their life. Sometimes, measly parents are burdened with fashion bills. 853 dustup Free Sample Essay on Fashion Thus, both one should punctuate to study some leisure and make the best go for of it by taking to some good sideline or the other. dandy caution should be exercised in choosing a hobby.We should choose a hobby which recoups our energy and provides relaxation and recreation. Young people all over the introduction are becoming more and more fashion conscious. Young students, whether boys or girls, are crazy about it they pauperism to look smart and good-looking by wearing dresses of the latest designs. In order to boost the sales of their dresses, leading cloth mills and dressmaking firms engage reputed fashion designers and beautiful models. Fashion parades and shows are held In big five genius hotels to exhibit the latest dresses.Fashion Is no longer the monopoly of women. Even men have great fancy for It. In fact, the latest unl-sex dresses Ilke shirts and Jeans can be worn out both by the girls a nd the boys. Today, the biggest centers of the latest fashions in the world are Paris, London, Hollywood and New York. In India, Mumbai. Delhi, Chandigarh, Lucknow, Jaipur, Shimla etcetera have become centers of full(prenominal) fashion. Students loosely gauge to copy fashions from films. Fashion has permeated all spheres of our life. It is followed not only in clothes but also in hair-styles, shoes, etiquette or manners.Some people are content to wear fashionable clothes. Others go In for fashionable hair-styles. ull others play the latest trend In their speech and manner. All these people want to look impressive and attract the attention ot others. They want to look several(predicate) in the eyes of others. Fashion is neither stable nor eternal. It is ever-changing. The change in fashion takes place so fast that people sometimes observe it very difficult to catch up with it Students in India also have become quite fashion conscious.In a college campus, one can see both girls and boys wearing all types of clothes. Girls wear whatever their favorite heroines wear. Boys try to emulate their favorite heroes. Fashion knows no frontiers. It travels across countries very fast. when students In India see latest foreign films from Hollywood, they adopt the latest fashions from these films. They even feign the way of life, speech, manners, actions, clothes, hair-styles of their favorite foreign actors and actresses. Some students spend a lot of money and devote considerable time on their make-up.They neglect their studies Their books knit dust These students hardly realist that by neglecting their studies, they are ruining their own career. Of2 students oTten reckon to surer Trom a mlstaKen notlon tnat Tasnlon means wearing lothes and other costly items like Jewellery, etc. The fact is that sometimes expensive clothes and heavy make-up may prove counterproductive. It may even have a negative take on ones personality. Some people look smarter in simple clot hes than in expensive clothes.As the old saying goes, beauty needs no ornaments. In fact simplicity is the best fashion, If students pursue fashion at the cost of their education, they provide be left behind in their studies. This will spoil their prospects of a bright future. If they want to be successful in life, their motto should not be fashion but simple nourishment and high thinking. Unfortunately, college boys and girls have started regarding even smoking as a fashion. oneness can see a number of boys and girls sitting in college restaurants and enjoying a smoke.Those who have costly brands of cigarette packets and imported cigarette lighters feel proud. Some students go to the extent of taking intoxicating drugs like heroin, LSD, Hashish, Marijuana, etc. drinkable is also considered as a symbol of modern society and high fashion. These habits adversely affect the health of students. A conscious effort should be made both by the teachers and parents to dissuade their chil dren from falling prey to these anti- ocial habits in the name of fashion.No doubt fashion spreads like wild fire in particular when fashion critics hail any unexampled design as revolutionary modern. Slowly a fashion percolates first to the middle- class families and then to the poor strata of society. Once it becomes common, it loses its novelty. Fashion conscious boys and girls then look out for something else which is new and exclusive. But fashion should not be given wide intend so as to include everything which is being followed in western countries. referable respect should be paid to ones native countrys way of living also.Whether the bend of western culture is a boon or a comminate to the Indian youth, is a controversial topic. No culture is good or bad. After all, every culture is an educative refinement, a product of an era. It is the judgment of a culture and methods of pursuing it that can make it good or bad in the eyes of other people. Thus, it cannot be concl uded that every western influence is harmful. Indian youth, instead of following the west blindly, should try to grasp the very essence of western culture and help it in enriching his own. Only then can true development take place.

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