
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Torchwood, Egoism, and Utilitarianism Essays -- Literary Analysis

Torchwoods third season Children of Earth, contains many momentous events which brain human rationality, having good sagacity, judgment, and equanimity. Throughout these events both ethical philosophies unravel. The set-back philosophy, egoism, functionions with notwithstanding one(a)s interests in mind, plays a major role in the season. Ethical egoists believe that one should look out for no one else but themselves, and a theory of psychological egoism states that whatever the cerebrate is behind an action, the action is always an individuals self-interest. The inconceivable enthral events in the season atomic number 18 due to the 456s yearning for ten percent of the children population. However, their request is not based upon a life-supporting necessity, but merely an egotistical longing for a pleasurable high the children supply them with. The wink philosophy, utilitarianism, is based on Jeremy Benthams principle of utility, actions which amplify happiness and fall pain for the majority of people, play an essential role. To restrain the heinous act from occurring, Jack sacrifices his own grandson, Steven, to spare the lives of the other children on Earth.The 456 are at fault for the outlandish children-related incidences around the world. The children stop in mid-action and recite circumstantial words at the same time for five consecutive days. These events are linked to a previous abduction by the 456 in 1965. The only two people conscious of the previous abduction are immortal Captain Jack, who was thither during the abduction, and the Home Office Permanent Secretary John Frobisher. For most of the first episodes, Torchwood members, Jack, Ianto, and Gwen, know nothing of the situation, but are able to communicate with an insider, Lois Habiba, ... ...uction to Ethics, sixth Edition. McGraw-Hill high Education/CourseSmart, 2008. 170. Online book.Rosenstand, Nina. The Moral of the Story An Introduction to Ethics, sixth Edition. McGraw-Hill high Education/CourseSmart, 2008. 165. Online book.Rosenstand, Nina. Individual Ethical Egoism. The Moral of the Story An Introduction to Ethics, sixth Edition. McGraw-Hill high Education/CourseSmart, 2008. 183. Web source.Rosenstand, Nina. The Moral of the Story An Introduction to Ethics, 6th Edition. McGraw-Hil Higher Education/CourseSmart, 2008. 225. Online book. Rosenstand, Nina. The Moral of the Story An Introduction to Ethics, 6th Edition. McGraw-Hill Higher Education/CourseSmart, 2008. 229. Web source.Rosenstand, Nina. The Moral of the Story An Introduction to Ethics, 6th Edition. McGraw-Hill Higher Education/CourseSmart, 2008. 241. Online book.

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