
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Physiological manipulation in novel Essay

Aldous Huxley is a long-winded in every sense of the word, as he paints a shiny picture of the future that is second to none. His imagination is almost prophetic as he boldly presents his idea of futuristic federation and the direction of mankind. Huxleys imaginary society in the Brave overbold realism controls citizens with physiological manipulation during birth, psychological conditioning fleck growing up and a h every last(predicate)ucinogenic drug called Soma to provide instant gladness (Huxley 15).Although these techniques ar said to eradicate class discrimination, religion and un felicity, it paves the way for a lackluster, grey world deprived of any real animation and fanciful ideas. Huxleys visions of technology of the future such as genetic engineering, psychotropic drugs and bio-technological advances are quite startling. In spite of having classic science-fiction traits, there is a Shakespearean character as well as weak- opinioned and strong-spirited human c haracters in the give that one can relate to.The Brave New World is a book with several subtle layers that is entertaining and enlightening at the same time. Although the subject matter of the book is quite dense, it is presented in sarcastic fashion. Huxleys Ford analogy explains how technology is also an illusion to example control, which has been put in place to replace previous control mechanisms such as religion. Huxleys political commentary describing an anti-utopian society controlled by a totalistic government is relevant, even in todays context.Although the centralize world government claims technology to be advancing, it hardly improves upon existing technologies and fails to educate any new breakthroughs in science, thereby keeping people ignorant. The manipulative government also restricts reproduction and promotes polygamous physical relationship, thereby sidesplitting meaningful family values and virtuous gratification. One of the most intriguing issues eleva ted by Huxleys work is the true meaning of happiness. It makes one brush up life and realize that happiness is not merely avoidance of pain, conform to social norms and amassing wealth.Huxley, through the depiction of the totalitarian government, tries to explain the evils of people losing advocator and one body exercising absolute control over the masses. Although the book is over seventy-five years old, it is still very relevant in our contemporary political scenario. Huxleys work also seeks out to enlighten the world about the importance of individuality and freedom of thought. It ultimately makes a statement that blind conformity backed up by worry will only lead to complete surrender of the human mind and soul.On careful analysis, one would come to realize that the fictional society portrayed in Brave New World is not merely a work of Huxleys fantasy, but actually an extrapolation of our degrading societal values such as greed, meaningless relationships and hyper- consum erism. Mary Shelleys Frankenstein tells us about the consequences of technology over-stepping the natures boundaries. It shares recurring themes with Brave New World such as scientists creating life by going against the laws of nature. In both the books, the characters try to use technology to better mankind, but lastly end up making things worse.Both the authors feel that unchecked branch of technology could lead to dire consequences. In the book On the family tree of Morals, Nietzsche reveals the moral crisis that industrialization had brought to the lives of people. Though he believes that human life would be better without religion, he feels human beings need a moral frame of reference to be disciplined. Nietzsche and Huxley share a greenness inspect on religion keeping down humans from realizing their true potential. Again, nihilism of established standards and belief systems to enhance human life are common in both the authors works.Fyodor Dostoevsky in The Grand Inquisit or portrays the return of deliverer Christ and his arrest by the Spanish Inquisition. God is blamed for bestowing freedom upon human beings and thereby making them suffer (Dostoevsky 249). The Church starts to work with the rally to end human suffering, wherein only a few posses freedom spot the rest live and die blissfully in ignorance. This theme in Dostoevskys parable parallels the Brave New Worlds totalitarian government ruling over the ignorant people of the world who are free from pain.I believe our world is moving towards Huxleys fortune telling of universal singularity. We are witnessing our freedoms being taken away right low noses by the government, under the pretense of security and progress. We are seeing the spill of families and a blind urge for physical gratification running rampant driven by mindless television entertainment. We are also detect alarmingly higher levels of consumption as well as production, while original thought is gradually deteriorating. Tec hnology is growing exponentially and enough more and more pervasive by the day.However, in spite of all this, people do not seem to be enjoying true happiness and are turning towards anti-depressants to relieve stress, thereby reiterating Huxleys vision again. deeds Cited Page Dostoevsky, Fyodor. The Grand Inquisitor. The Brothers Karamazov. New York Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2000. 246-264. Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. harpist & Row Publishers, 1969. Nietzsche, Friedrich. On the Genealogy of Morals. New York Oxford University Press, 1999. Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. New York Pocket Books, 2004.

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